Buildings, high buildings, business and shopping centers, industrial buildings, energy facilities, hospital medical facilities, retaining walls, silos, HEPP projects, dam bodies, treatment facilities and etc. used in projects.
High column, curtain, shaft etc. used in the production of projects.
Column and wall formworks are made into climbing formworks with the help of climbing consoles.
Column and wall formworks are provided with the help of anchors and consoles left on the platform.
The system becomes a safe work platform for the workers who will work on a platform on which the columns and wall formworks will be built by creating a platform on the consoles.
Columns and wall formworks can be moved together or separately with the help of consoles.
Climbing formworks If you want to move with climbing consoles, vertical walers and accessories that connect them to columns and wall formworks are used.
System; the sub-work platforms connected to the consoles allow the removal of the accessories from the previous casting and the repair of the gaps left on the gross concrete surface of these accessories.
Climbing formworks are used with crane. Fast and safe.