The DIVISIO 4000 Volume is a unit for high volumes anda small panel spectrum. Arriving panels are transferred toa conveyor where they are lifted up and then picked up bythe gripper adapter.
The milling cutter is mounted in a fixedposition into the unit and the panel then travels over the cutter.The unloading conveyor can either be a flat belt conveyor, adouble belt conveyor, product carrier, shuttle or a combinationof them. A unit with automatic change system for the gripperadapter.
The system consists of a moveable store for theadapter and the integrated loading lift. The type of gripper isthen detected by a scanner and automatically loaded when theproduct is changed.
Tool coding
Router-bit break control.
Automatic router-bit exchange.
Quick change adapter system.
Spring loaded hold down clamp assembly.
Ionization unit.
ESD proofed Spindle
Vacuum system
Barcode reader
Automatic gripper change (7 way)
Vacuum system monitoring
Axle CNC control