Fixed: 400 or 500 mm
Swivelling: 500 or 600 mm
Fixed: 40 Kg
Swivelling: 2.5 Kg / U
IP 20
Fixed or swivelling wall enclosure, robust and multifunctional, for fast and secure installations. Total reversibility by turning, 19" mounts adjustable in depth, practical and varied accessories... In swivelling version the box is detached without tools (fixed by pin)..
1 main monoblock box with pre-cutout(s) for passage of cables and receiving 2 interior 19" adjustable mounts at intervals of 30 mm. Cable entry plates flush
1 reversible front oculus door with clear safety glass clear, 455 E lock
Fixed version: rear panel optional
Swivel Version: 100 mm deep wall base with pre-cutout for passage of cables
Options: rear mounts, ventilation, brush cable entry, etc.
Hardware: accepts modem trays, fixed runners and all universal 19" accessories at the front.
19" Version
Distribution of the computer and/or telecoms network in the tertiary areas.
Integration of active hardware of limited weight and depth.