The TS900 offers advanced diagnostics, comprehensive TPMS, and an extensive one-touch service menu. The MaxiTPMS TS900 is an 8-inch TPMS, Diagnostics and Service, touchscreen tablet. The TS900 can activate, read and relearn all known TPMS sensors, including Tesla OE sensors, and program the Autel 1-Sensor to replace 99 percent of the TPMS sensors on the road today. The TS900 is also compatible with the Autel Bluetooth-TPMS sensors (BLE-A001), preprogrammed for Tesla models and programmable for BLE-equipped vehicles. Diagnostic functions include all systems Pre/Post Scans, bi-directional Active Tests, and Special Functions. Quickly execute 38-plus service functions. TS900 offers an advanced processor, 4GB operating memory, and 64 GB storage memory and runs on Android 11.
• Program AUTEL MX-Sensors to replace 99% of TPMS sensors on the vehicles on the road today.
• Industry-leading Relearn-by-OBD vehicle coverage.
• Compatible with 315MHz, 433/434MHz and 2.4GHz (BLE) frequency TPMS sensors.
• Cover U.S., European, and Asian vehicles, 1996 and newer to provide professional diagnostic service.
• Support all system diagnostics (including Read and Erase codes, View Freeze Frame data, View and Graph Live Data, and Perform bi-directional Active Tests and Special Functions).
• Extensive Service Menu with direct access to over 38+ maintenance services.
• Supports the latest communication protocols, including CAN FD/DoIP.
• Generate Detailed Pre- and Post-Scan Reports. Cloud-based Report Management allows you to view, save, print, and share reports on mobile phones, tablets, and computer browsers.