The Teletector 6112D-100/H has an LCD with a large four-digit digital display and is therefore the digital successor to the 6112B. Originally designed in 1981 with digital electronics without a microprocessor, the device received a completely new electronics with a microprocessor in 2005. This means that the device now also has modern features such as a floating time constant and self-monitoring. Operation is similarly simple as with the 6112B. The large rotary switch offers the five positions Off / Battery Test / Three Measuring Ranges. The range must therefore be set manually. The small switch for the time constant is no longer necessary in normal operation, as the microprocessor determines the time constant automatically. The device has no built-in speaker and therefore no warning thresholds. An earphone can be connected to an output on the side. The original model 6112D-100 (without appendage/H) was designed for the old measured quantity Hx. In 2001, the 6112D-100/H model was created for the measured quantity H*(10). PTB approval for calibration was not sought due to the low demand in Germany.
Three digital measuring ranges with automatic floating point:
• 0,01 - 9999 µSv/h Dose rate NDL counter
• 0,01 - 9999 mSv/h Dose rate NDL counter
• 0,001 - 9999 mSv Dose HDL counter
• Energy range: 80 keV to 1,3 MeV