View selected tag details and tag attributes available from AVEVA Asset Information Management within AVEVA Operations Management Interface (OMI).
Tag Related Attributes from AVEVA NET
Assets in AVEVA System Platform can refer to tags also present in AVEVA Asset Information Management.
The DataViewer OMI App displays the details and tag attributes within AVEVA Operations Management Interface (OMI) when you select an asset. For example: E_9001 in the graphic to the right.
Companion App's
The DocumentViewer OMI App is a companion of the DataViewer OMI App and enables you to view related 2D Documents of a tag that are available in AVEVA Asset Information Management.
Configure one App in the main OMI pane with the other App as context in a slide-in pane, as depicted in the graphic to the left.
Automatic Sync
If an item is selected in the DocumentViewer OMI App and a tag corresponding to it is present in the AVEVA System Platform model, the AVEVA Operations Management Interface (OMI) context becomes the selected tag and the corresponding 1D data of the tag is updated in the DataViewer OMI App.
If the OMI context changes for an object, the corresponding view in the DataViewer OMI App is updated with the details and attributes of the selected tag.