_ Typical markets : Railway, Aeronautics, Energy, Metallurgy
_ Typical applications : Moving significant lengthy and/or heavy payloads
_ TAILOR MADE MACHINE: All below features can be amended according to your need
_ Custom made frame: 2 carts per set (size according to your need)
_ Typical load 60 000kg [From 25 000 to 500 000 kg or more]
_ Interface with floor: Wheels [wheels - rail wheels - air cushions - combination]
_ Lifting height: 200 mm or more
_ Carts are radio bind (virtual link between vehicles) in a very easy way
_ Interface with load: Specific pallet
_ Movement: Omnidirectional (driving in all directions) movement, in single or dual mode [Omnidirectional, rotation on spot, diagonal, etc
_ Energy / autonomy: Battery pack (capacity) sized to your project
_ Safety devices: Laser scanners, others, fail safe safety features
_ Radio-controlled: Manual or semi-automatic [Automatic mode (AGV
_ Options: many (reach us for more details as not fully listed ): RFID readers for operator ID, Remote diagnostic for maintenance, Carts pallet self–centering under pallets, Lifting height checking, outdoor pack, etc.
_ CE Certification, other continents
_ Etc.
_ Environment: Standard workshop
[Possible to have specific requirements like: ATEX, pyrotechnics, clean rooms, withstand fire, radiations, etc., Automatic battery switch: Since one battery is in use, a second pack is getting loaded. When battery level is too low, the AGV gets the other pack on board automatically]
_ Potential Markets
Railway, Aeronautics, Energy, Metallurgy (steel, cable), Production & assembly, Paper & cardboard, Logistics, Machining, Defence, Automotive, etc