AWTT INC. Hexprotect® AQUA hexagonal cover system is a simple yet effective product which fulfills demands of an affordable and wind resistant floating cover for liquids.
It offers highly effective solutions to problematic liquid storage systems such as municipal and industrial wastewater, treatment processing plants, metal and petrochemical plants, leachate ponds, airports, raw water reservoirs and other applications for heat retention, photosynthesis prevention and or a wildlife deterrent.
The Hexprotect® AQUA hexagonal system ensures coverage of up to 99%. The resulting thermal insulation barrier combines the insulation factor of the air held in each tile with the poor heat conductivity of plastic. The cover also reduces liquid loss through evaporation and prevents odor problems.
The Hexprotect® AQUA hexagonal floating cover, contrary to standard covers, does not represent an obstacle to static, moving or dipping equipment. The tiles can be easily pushed aside and the cover reforms itself as the basin and obstacles change configuration, as in a clarifier. In fact, the tiles will keep up with liquid level, rising, lowering and restacking themselves as needed.
Additionally, the Hexprotect® AQUA floating covers are also an effective wildlife deterrent. When entirely covered, the body of water becomes unattractive to waterfowl and other wildlife such as deer. They simply don’t recognize it as water.