Flat Cables with Round Pins
Axostrip® is a range of Round-end Flat Cables (RFC) which can be soldered or inserted to achieve board to board interconnections. These flat flexible cables with round pins are made up of tin plated copper insulated with Polyester, Polyimide or Aramide tapes. The Axostrip® round-flat-round technology allows for a high resistance to vibration and bending. Available in several pitches including 1.00 mm, 1.25 mm, 1.27mm, 1.905 mm, 2.00 mm, 2.54 mm and 5.08 mm pitches, they are easy and fast to install.
High resistance to bending and vibration.
Easy and fast installation
Power transmission
Preparatory wire stripping and cutting to length is not required.
Lower purchasing costs: the Round-end Flat Cables are wave-soldered with the other components.
Excellent flexibility.
2 types of ends are possible:
Round conductors on both ends: lower production costs since no connectors are required.
Round conductors on one end, flat conductors on the other end: this version which is dismountable is compatible with ZIF connectors.
Tin plated copper conductors.
High quality insulation polyester tape, polyimide or aramide tape.
Pitches:1.00 mm, 1.25 mm, 1.27 mm, 1.905 mm, 2.00 mm, 2.54 mm and 5.08 mm.
Minimum length: 15 mm
Electrical appliances.
Telecommunications systems.
Industrial electronics.
Electrical equipment.