Manufacturing Execution Systems are becoming more important than ever with the advent of the Industrial Internet of Things. An in-depth analysis of the current situation will highlight the improvement potential to achieve greater transparency and efficiency. Experience shows that the requirements for MES projects may vary widely. This is why AZO concentrate on MES solutions that are designed for the sector, in line with the focus of our in-house KASTOR process control and instrumentation system.
The outcome is that today we can already offer a broad range of MES base functionalities, which have been integrated into our Kastor process instrumentation and control system, and we can provide added value by satisfying the requirements of our target customers in the food, nutraceuticals, chemicals and polymers sectors.
The magic formula is added value.
A well-integrated MES improves transparency in manufacturing and is the cornerstone for greater responsiveness and flexibility as a basic requirement for competitive, sustainable production. It is based on horizontal, vertical and functional integration of processes and systems along the value chain. The key advantages of an MES application can be summed up as follows:
• Manufacturing costs are kept as low as possible.
• A fixed standard of quality is ensured throughout.
• Statutory and/or corporate guidelines are adhered to.
• It allows active and proactive controlling of production.