DynamicRoll Industry is a self-repairing roll up door designed to reach different kinds of applications, both internal and external, allowing the traffic flows and assuring high safety.
The self-repairing roll up doors DynamicRoll Industry got a perimeter structure in galvanized or stainless steel. The door panel rides effortlessly within a track, thanks to the special profile and hinge designed by us, requiring low maintenance. The panel is rolled up on a roller placed within the upper crossbeam.
This door ensures high-speed opening operations, adjustable via frequency inverters, which allow to speed up handling operations and to optimize work time. Thanks to the frequency converter, it is possible to adjust opening speed and slow down closing operations, so as to reduce the risk of impact.
Self-repairing roll up doors DynamicRoll can be equipped with a counterweight or ups batteries, to fully open the door in case of power failure, and can also be equipped with large transparent sections to create a brighter and safer working environment.
High-quality panels, the resistive safety edge fitted to the bottom edge of the door, photocells and barriers make this product both safe and durable, being totally self-repairing, thanks to a special “Anti Crash System”.