Designed to maximize efficiency and fuel flexibility in power generation and mechanical drive
Can burn multiple fuel-gas compositions; DLN2.5 combustion system capable of single digit NOx emissions from 50 to 100% load
It delivers 37% efficiency in mechanical drive
Ideal for combined heat and power, it can deliver 30 MWe of production and 50 tons/hour of steam
The axial compressor is scaled up from proven GE10 which has over 100 installed units
It has a DLN2 F-Class combustion system, of which we have over 750 installed units
Low-pressure turbine from PGT25+ (>250 installed units), and high-pressure turbine from our Frame 5/2D (>200 installed units)
Pipeline, and gas storage
Refinery, petrochemical, and fertilizer
Industrial, and combined heat and power
The Frame 5/2E gas turbine design is based on well-proven technologies, combining the best of our gas turbines portfolio with more than 40 years of experience. With over 60 units sold worldwide, 46 units installed, and more than 800,000 hours experience, the Frame 5/2E performs well in any environment—even with extreme ambient conditions.
At ISO conditions with natural gas fuel, ambient temperature 15°C, no inlet exhaust losses, sea level, 60% relative humidity. Extended maintenance plan (32,000/64,000) available with fire temperature and power de-rate. Package dimensions exclude driven equipment.
Maximized flexibility