Single-shaft gas turbine with proven reliability and energy efficiency
Mean time between maintenance (MTBM) of 32,000 factored fired hours (FFH) or 1,300 factored fired starts (FFS)
Capable of single-digit NOx emissions
Can burn a wide range of gas and liquid fuels, syngas option, low emissions, grid support, peaking, cyclic and base load modes
Single-shaft engine with hot-end drive, 17 axial compressor stages, and 13.1:1 pressure ratio
14 combustion chambers with reverse-flow STD/DLN1+ combustion system (single-digit NOx emissions)
Three turbine stages with air-cooled first and second stage nozzles and buckets
Simple cycle and cogeneration
Combined cycle with steam turbine
This turbine's success in the 100-150 MW class stems from an excellent fit in a wide variety of applications with many customers—including oil and gas, petrochemical, industrial, and electric utility.
DLN1+ specification. At ISO conditions with natural gas fuel, ambient temperature 15ºC, no inlet or exhaust losses, sea level, 60% relative humidity. Package dimensions include driven equipment.
With more than 700 units installed worldwide, the Frame 9/1E provides proven energy efficiency, availability, reliability, and maintainability.
Fuel flexibility
It can operate with syngas/process gas, distillate oil, crude/residual, or natural gas in a variety of applications—and it can burn fuels with high hydrogen content (refinery and petrochemical).