The MPX19 is a benchtop twin-screw powder coating extruder ideal for academic, laboratory and development work.
Applications include examining process problems, extending product lines, and developing new processes.
The MPX19 is also an ideal tool for companies moving from batch to continuous processing that need to establish the processing parameters necessary to match their existing product.
Reliable scale-up to production outputs
The MPX19 incorporates features that replicate Baker Perkins’ range of production scale extruders, ensuring reliable scale-up to their outputs.
The clam-shell barrel and segmented screw assemblies that are features of all Baker Perkins extruders enable different screw configurations, process settings and formulations to be tested and assessed quickly by stopping the machine and opening the barrel to view the state of material being processed.
An electrically heated / water cooled barrel gives tight temperature control; a chill roll is included; and barrel lengths can vary from 15:1 to 40:1 L/D, with multiple process zones for a variety of applications.
Adjusting and testing the formulation, process parameters and screw configurations are all uncomplicated. Automatic start-up and shut down minimize the time needed between runs.
Industry 4.0 ready
All Baker Perkins powder coating extruders are Industry 4.0 ready. Industry 4.0 harnesses data from all the machines, devices, sensors, and people in a manufacturing operation and enables them to communicate with each other via a local network or the Internet to make informed and timely decisions.