Balacchi HF extends its range of high frequency welders, offering a compact, economic, low-power machine for different applications, often required alone or as a complement of bigger HF equipment. Portabile and flexible, it is optimal for creating small surfice complicated welds as well as for mending various PVC sheets.
BR3PT450, furnished with appropriate electrode, is designated to carry out delicate jobs that require manipulation of materials and welding operation performed cautiously on small fabric area. It is suitable for repair work, small-scale manufacturing and manufacturing of products with details that require several different welding operations like welding of flexible protections, swimming pool cladding, production of advertising material, sunscreen canvases, etc.
The main advantage of this machine is that it is portable, thus it can be used not only in the factory were final product are manufactured, but also it can be bring directly to client plant performing the eventual reparation on site.
Balacchi HF mini welder is equipped with numerous accessories that provide easier (and safe) job execution and fabric manipulation: press protection system, foot pedal, specially designed, personalised and engraved electrodes, easy electrode changing system, etc.
Pressing force 300 kg
Power 3 kW
Work frequency 27.125 MHz
Dimensions 600x1500x950(h)mm
Weight 150kg
Inferior working table (fixed) 600x550mm
Elecrtrode 400 x 15mm or simmilar
high of work 120 mm
Distance from generator and welding center 450mm
Commands on front side of machine with management operator panel