Designed to achieve the worlds fastest response rate, the DF-G2 fiber optic amplifier can achieve 10 microsecond response time with 5 microsecond repeatability.
- Models with IO-Link enable a point-to-point communication link between a master device and a sensor, facilitating remote monitoring, teaching, and configuration
- Best in class response speeds of 10 μs, 15 μs, 50 μs, 250 μs, 500 μs, and 1000 μs
- Easy-to-read dual digital displays show signal level and threshold values
- Simple user interface ensures easy sensor set-up and programming via displays and switches/buttons or remote input teach wire
- Expert TEACH and SET methods ensure optimal gain and threshold for all applications, especially for high speed or low contrast applications
- Thermally stable electronics shortens start-up time and maintains signal stability during operation
- Economy display mode reduces amplifier power consumption by 25%
- Cross talk avoidance algorithm allows two sensors to operate in close proximity