Flexible very large format plate production from basysPrint
For VLF production, basysPrint is a professional partner that offers you a truly reliable production solution.
• 1500 and 2400 DPI
• Square dot and super cells
• Sharp plate exposure
• Smart plate handling
Flexible Very Large Format (VLF) Plate Production
With VLF production at the heart of your operation, you look for a professional partner who offers you a truly reliable production solution. For you, reliability means heavy-duty industrial system design, professional plate handling, and innovative integration into your workflow based upon open standards. Reliability also means professional support: knowledgeable technicians, state-of-the-art remote control, local presence, and appropriate service agreements.
basysPrint, a leading brand name of the Xeikon company, matches your expectations with more than 15 years of pioneering and innovative experience producing UV computer-to-plate UV setters.
As a print shop delivering the finest printed materials to your customers, you expect your VLF production system to reliably meet all your plate-production needs. This might mean very large format plates for your special size sheet-fed or web-fed presses or plates for your 8-up/B1 printing press park.
As a service bureau, you need a plate production system that is flexible enough to handle all your customers’ plate requirements. You need a reliable production solution in terms of plate size, negative or positive plate type, resolution, and run length capabilities. You require a smart design offering the highest mechanical and electronic efficiency.