B_23034 bench tests the Fuel Supply Units (GAC) for Diesel and Gasoline engines.
In particular, the bench must be of support to perform the functional tests relating to the electric fuel pump and level sensor.
As for the fuel pump, this bench has the ability to measure hydraulic performance in terms of flow rate / pressure and electrical power absorbed in terms of current / voltage.
As far as the level sensor it is possible to detect the ohmic characteristic as a function of the height assumed by the float.
The bench can work with test fluids like these:
• Sepisol®;
• Exxsol D60®;
Pumps (LIN or PWM) are fed, at different temperature to simulate working conditions.
It’s possible to run the pump at different speed or with a speed profile.
Flow, pressure, temperature, power and speed are recorded.
By PC panel it’s possible to control:
• Flow, pressure, temperature, power and speed
• Test time and test steps profile
• Pressure: 4 barg (max)
• Flow: 26 ± 2 lpm (max)
• Temperature: < 50 ± 2 °C (max)
• Flow meters: n° 3, DN8
0 ÷ 26 lpm; accuracy ± 0,5% f-s
• Pressure transmitters: n° 3 relatives, 0 ÷ 12 barg,
accuracy ± 0,1% f-s;
• Temperature transmitters: 0 ÷ 120 °C, PT100, cl. AAA
• Current sensor: 0 ÷ 40 A, ± 10 V;
• Voltage Sensor Module: ± 100 Vin, ± 10 Vout;
• Ohm meter: 0 ÷ 20 Ohm
• Function generator: 0,1 ÷ 5 MHz, ± 20 ppm, 1 kΩ
• Power supply: 0 ÷ 80 V, 0 ÷ 20 A
• Inhibition of the exhaust circuit bench
• Interlock on test compartment hatch
• Mushroom emergency button
• Automatic interruption of the test in case of breakage,
component leakage or malfunction of the bench;