This machine is used to measure the hardness of a material and is called the HRM-45 Superficial Rockwell Harndness Tester. It is based on the same construction principle of the COMP series which is a very successful instrument already known for the economic efficiency, reliability and ease of using. A micrometer gauge is present with manual zero setting for measuring the hardness. The 108 mm dial with either Rockwell standard or superficial scale (150-100-60Kgt) (15-30-45Kgt), allows direct reading of 1 unit and of 0.2 Rockwell units.
The main features of this product are:
Ergonomic placement of knobs help with the easy selection of loads. The knob is placed on the right side of the instrument. Tests are carried out manually by operating the lever on the right side of the instrument. This is done only once the operator has displayed the correct pre-load application on the dial gauge set the scale to zero by the dial gauge external ring.
The descent speed of unloading is controlled by the operator via the knob on the lower left side.