-Intrinsic safety certification
-3 stage sounder with 49 different tones
-Red, Amber, Green, Blue, & White flashing and steady state beacon.
-Sounder & flashing beacon may be used together with 'alarm accept' function.
Product details
Intrinsically safe sounders and beacons which may be used in all gas hazardous areas. The sounder has 49 different first stage alarm sounds selected by internal switches. Each first stage sound can be changed to a second or third stage tone by an external contact which may be in the hazardous or safe area.
The BA386 beacon produces a bright flashing warning signal and is available with a red, amber, green, blue or white output. The sounder can be used with a beacon to form a combined audio visual alarm in which the sounder may be silenced for a predetermined time by an external 'alarm accept' contact.
The BA386S steady state beacon produces a continuous status indication and is available with a red, amber, green, blue or white output.