The BELKI Smart Unit is used to separate particles and tramp oil from process fluids - primarily cooling lubricants. It is a mobile unit that can be easily moved between the individual machine tools. Due to its slim design and the low demands on the electrical supply, this unit is suitable for almost any metal working work shop.
The process fluid is skimmed off by one of the skimming devices of the BELKI Smart Unit, or with a suction device to filter the bottom of the machine sump. The particles are separated via the deep bed filter, the tramp oil is separated via the integrated oil separator. Even the finest ferritic particles can be retained by the optional magnetic filter. The separated oil is stored in an inner tank, the particle load is fed into a sludge box and the used filter paper is automatically wound up. The cleaned emulsion is returned to the machine sump.
Advantages of a BELKI Smart Unit
Oil separation and filtration in one operation
Highly mobile and easily adjustable for optimum results
Power connection via 230 V / 50 Hz connection
Robust pump for chips up to approx. 4 mm
An optional magnetic filter ensures that even very fine particles can be filtered out of the emulsion.
A very effective oil separator increases the lifetime of the emulsion
BELKI Smart Unit is our solution for simpel and effective cleaning of coolant in machine tanks. As mobile by-pass technology, the BELKI Smart Unit offers both effective particle filtration (optional ultra-fine filtration with magnetic filter) and oil separation. The BELKI Smart Unit cleans during operation, without interrupting the production.