Self-regulating suction unit (tilting skimmer), only skimming the surface
The suction unit compensates for level variations in the tank
Gentle operation of the pump, ensuring effective oil separation
Easily adjustable so that only the oil is flowing to the oil container
The oil container has decantation function
Possibility for connection of several suction units (dependent on model type)
211 H max 1 pcs. / 321 and 60 S max 2 pcs. / 200 LS max 4 pcs.
Module constructed; oil separator and pump can be mounted separately
(for 60 S and 200 LS)
The models 211H and 321 can, like the 60S, be delivered in a mobile version that can easily be moved between several machines
Type 60S is BELKI's smallest coalescence separator. With a capacity of 300 l/h this oil separator is the suitable solution for use on tooling machines such as CNC machines, turning and milling centres as well as washing machines with high oil loads. Available in mobile or stationary design. With the type 60S bath surfaces up to 15 m² can be cleaned effectively with two tilting skimmers.