BELKI’s Central systems are modular and adjustable for every requirement. These may be small regional stand-alone units which supply a group of machines, or it may be a large unit which supplies an entire plant.
Taking our basic equipment as a starting point, we design and build central systems which are effective, environmentally friendly and economic. BELKI‘s Central systems are adapted to our customers‘ demands, as we recognise that they often have unique needs and problems. BELKI has therefore specialised in rapidly and effectively developing essential and supplementary equipment. If necessary, the central system will be adapted to the building‘s physical.
BELKI’s Central systems are reliable, have high process efficiency and require low maintenance. The impact gives obvious results such as:
Extended lifetime of the process fluid
Fewer maintenance hours in the production
Longer lifetime for tools
Improved product quality
Cleaner working environment and less waste disposal
Designed in stainless steel, lower maintenance costs and longer lifetime
Better results on the bottom line