BES works as an Advanced Counter and Supervisor of machine productivity in ismart factories and Industry 4.0 environments (Performance Overall equipment effectiveness, OEE). The operational status of each CNC center logged-in the network is analysed on different time spans (shift, week, month).
Real-time monitoring and extraction of the relevant productivity data (SQL database and CSV report file) are simple and immediate as possible from several devices (PC, tablet, smartphone). Both the visualization and the extraction of the aggregate data of the machine is done in a simple and immediate way.
In addition to the Event Notification and Advanced Log services, BES allows to monitor and show into detail:
(in operation, stop, cycle, switched off) through an easy-to-use dashboard;
analysis and list of data on duration, number and type of executions, etc.;
through a special tachometer that measures the percentage of production capacity on different timings and regarding the number of machined pieces:
daily percentage of machine work
hourly percentage of machine work
number of pieces produced.