The new AVR S130 is designed to optimize the alternator performances even in special alternators. It is the smallest and the most powerful in its range and it can reach an output excitation current of 25A. It is equipped with an over-voltage protection shown by a yellow led. Moreover, it includes a low speed protection shown by a red led. The low speed protection is adjustable by means of a trimmer (Freq) which allows to set the trigger point where the machine reaches the rated voltage (40-50 or 50-60 Hz); below the trigger point the generator output voltage is adjusted proportionally to the frequency; by starting from a residual of 3,5V, the rated voltage is reached when the frequency is equal to the one set on the trimmer (Freq); above the trigger point and up to the rated speed the voltage remains at the normal value.
During this phase a compound like regulation can be obtained with the advantages and precision of an electronic regulator. This system enables also the insertion of heavy loads without affecting the efficiency of diesel engines, may they be turbo compressed or old ones. Complete with Maximum Excitement Current Protection function, controlled by trimmer named "Reg. Current".