The BERMAD Adjustable Direct Acting Low Flow Pressure Reducer is actuated by a pressure responsive diaphragm, which seeks to reach equilibrium between hydraulic and set spring force. The BERMAD Model 1”-PRV-05 is built of reinforced plastic that endows it with excellent hydraulic performance capabilities and high mechanical strength. Supplied with a special throttling plug and elastomeric seal, it reduces higher upstream pressure to lower constant downstream pressure even under conditions of near zero demand.
Advanced Construction Materials
High mechanical strength
Proven pressure, flow and weather resistance
Adjustable Direct Acting Pressure Reducer
Constant downstream pressure
Immediate response
Settable according to season and stage
Plastic Body and Trim
Highly durable, chemical and cavitation resistant
Minimizes friction
Unitized Rolling Diaphragm and Guided Plug
Accurate and stable regulation
Prevents diaphragm distortion
User-Friendly Design
Can be installed at any orientation
Simple in-line inspection and service
■ Distribution Line Lateral Risers
■ Non-Compensating Drip-Line Flow Fixation
■ Lateral Final Burst Protection
■ Pressure Reduction for Marginal Plots