EXTRA WIDE STAINLESS STEEL BELTS FOR THE PAPER AND FIBER INDUSTRY. The outstanding quality of Berndorf Band Group’s stainless Steel Belts is known worldwide. That is why the leading manufacturers in the paper and fiber industry rely on the process belts of our Steel Belts made in Austria
The end products which can be produced on our Steel Belts and Belt Systems are as diverse as our industries. If your product is not included, please contact us, and together we can find the right solution for your application.
The combination of high-end materials, best possible geometry, and extensive research and development conducted by our specialists is what gives our Steel Belts exceptional operating characteristics. The Steel Belts are manufactured with extremely narrow tolerances and in widths of up to 9 M/29.53 ft., which satisfies the specific requirements of paper and cardboard production.”
Thanks to extensive research and development, special steels, which withstand the high requirements of the baking and food industry, were developed. The Steel Belts are state of the art in regards to mechanical, physical and geometric properties. So they can withstand constant dynamic loads for a long period.