The selectron process, colloquially known as tampon plating, is a special galvanic process by which layers are partially deposited. Selectron is particularly suitable for repairing minor damages to specific areas.
The optimal repair procedure for small damages
Selectron is a repair process for repairing surfaces. The electrochemical application of metal allows surfaces to be partially coated. Small damage such as pores or partial imperfections and wear points are systematically sealed using the Selectron process. After the Selectron process, the component has a smooth and sealed surface once more.
For larger imperfections, there is also the possibility of spot welding, which we can also offer you. In the case of severe signs of wear, we recommend a repair hard chrome plating of the entire component instead of partial repair. Learn more about the procedure and advantages of Regeneration here.
How the selectron method works
Graphite anodes are used for the Selectron process/tampon plating. These are wrapped with cotton wool and soaked in an electrolyte. The anode is connected to a rectifier and switched positive. The component to be coated represents the cathode and is switched negative. Finally, the anode soaked in the electrolyte is used to systematically seal the partial imperfection on the component. The process of tampon plating consists of pre-treatment (cleaning), activation (pickling) and metal deposition. The deposited metallic material is ground and levelled in the end.