They are realized in electric version with traction (ET), powered by Honda engine with traction (STH)
650 ET has 3 motors, one for user (intake, brushes, traction)
Version STH have only one high power motor that sets in motion the other users
Traction is controlled by a lever on the guide handle
Waste drawer with wheels and handle for the transport
ABS cover with inspection space and front bumper
Front turning wheel with stopping brake
Flapfilter for the picking up of the waste
Handy shaking filter system
Filtering system with resinbonded paper panel-like filter
Central and side brushes in polypropylene
Adjustable centre brushes to adapt the sweeper to any type of floor
Control panel with ignition-key with battery charge indicator for ET versions
Battery versions have a work autonomy from 2.2/3 hours for the model 650 ET to 3/3,5 hours for the model 850 ET (with the reccomended batteries and in perfect state of charge)