Reprocessing, however, only makes sense from an economic point of view when it is done at a high quality level. This, in its turn, is the case when the metals are thoroughly separated before their smelting. And this is exactly what we at Binder+Co actually do. Apart from the 1,693 installed sorting systems, what characterises us is our years of experience in material conditioning (screening) of metals retrieved from shredder light fractions and heavy shredder fractions.
The CLARITY is much more than just an optical sorting device; it can help you transform your recyclable materials into hard cash:
Sensor Fusion by Binder+Co – we adapt our sorting systems to the specific tasks of the customer and equip the CLARITY with corresponding sensors. The special situation here is that not only do the fitted-out sensors work in combination with each other, but the sensor data thus produced is combined with specially developed evaluation algorithms. And this allows for a simultaneous sorting of the feed material according to type and colour, such as the differentiation of VA steel from other types of metal.
With its stable detection quality and latest high-speed sorting valve technology, the CLARITY guarantees high separation grades and high throughput.
Its modular design, easy retrofitting in existing plants and divisibility of the machines lends the CLARITY a precise adjustment to the specific performance required.