An optimum grain size of 10 to 50 mm is crucial for sensor-based sorting of cullet since a higher content of fines (0-10 mm) would have an unfavourable effect on sorting performance. In the form of the double roll crusher, Binder+Co has created the ideal prerequisite for the subsequent sorting of waste glass.
Ideal preparation for sorting: the double roll crusher from Binder+Co
Low energy requirement, long service life and low wear and tear are among industry demands on double roll crushers on top of the optimum comminution curve. Furthermore, double roll crushers crush glass/ cork connections (glass in screw connections or glass around corks), bottlenecks and thick bottle bottoms. Large-size glass-bottle parts are thus turned into even-sized cullet which can be passed on for optical separation in an ideal size.
As close to the customer as possible
With our wide-ranging product portfolio, we offer our customers optimum processing of their product – not only with stand-alone systems but also complete concepts and turn-key plants. Only the optimum plant concept leads to securing an economic and technological advantage for our customers.
For the best possible fulfillment of specific customer requirements, we provide our customers with a comprehensive testing facility which can carry out systematic test processes tailored to the task in hand.