VR-51 - Vibrating probe level sensor with flexible cable extension, 20 to 250V AC/DC, process temp to 176°F (80°C), triple thread screw-off cover, dual conduit entries, DPDT relay contacts, selectable fail-safe protection, FDA recognized powder coat finish, LED status indicator light. Ordinary locations.
Vibrating Probes with Rigid and Flexible Extensions
Top mounted, high-level detection
Extended vibrating rods are ideal where you want to leave a certain amount of headspace in the silo. They detect high levels to prevent overfilling. Wire them to an alert such as a light, horn, alarm panel, or PLC to shut a process off or on.
The VR-41 and VR-51 both feature a unique sword-shaped vibrating probe that resists buildup and false alarms. They don’t require any calibration and are wear and maintenance free.
About extended vibrating probes:
Suitable for high or low-level and plugged chute detection
Use in material densities of 1.25 lb./ cu. ft. or greater
Detect extremely light, fluffy materials with low dielectric constants
Three sensitivity adjustments and switch selectable high/lo failsafe
Optional hazardous location approvals to CSA Class II
Made to order in custom lengths!
VR-41 Rigid Extensions: 13 inches up to 13 feet
VR-51 Flexible Extensions: 19 inches up to 19 feet
Try an extended vibrating probe in carbon black, plastics, fly ash, feed, seed, grain, food, chemicals, and other light and low dielectric materials!