Rounded-bottom autoclavable laboratory fermentor/bioreactor
Comes in two models: Most economic (RALF Basic) or highest flexibility (RALF Advanced)
A compact, modular design reduces space requirements in your lab and ensures immediate accessibility of all parts (180° rotation of control tower)
Unlimited options for pumps and gas lines
Made in Switzerland and of an absolutely impeccable quality
Can do cell and microbial culture in the same reactor due to free configuration of gas lines
Comes with the most comprehensive bioprocess management software: BioSCADA Ralf includes complete process automation, recipe features, audit trail, access level management, batch reporting, and various other advanced features. BioSCADA comes with every RALF at no extra charge and requires no prior fermentation or programming knowledge
Free I/O modules for external devices such as exhalyzers, VOC, probes, etc
Features a standard 2 year warranty
Turn-key system available from stock within 2 weeks.