Load-Wait-Elute Sample Preparation
ISOLUTE® SLE+ Supported Liquid Extraction plates and columns are designed to provide stress free extraction of analytes from biological fluids, with high analyte recoveries, and clean, protein and phospholipid free extracts. Methods are easy to develop, and automation is simple.
ISOLUTE® SLE+ plates and columns are used for the supported liquid extraction of a diverse range of analytes from aqueous samples such as biological fluids (including whole blood, plasma, serum, urine and oral fluid), using a simple load-wait-elute procedure.
ISOLUTE SLE+ products are easy to use, perfectly suited to automated procedures, and column and plate formats are available for extraction of sample volumes from 10 µL to 10 mL.
High analyte recoveries are obtained without any offline steps such as protein precipitation, and sample extracts are free of proteins and phospholipids.
Supported Liquid Extraction Explained
The supported liquid extraction (SLE) process is analogous to traditional liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and utilizes the same water immiscible solvent systems for analyte extraction. Instead of shaking the two immiscible phases together, in SLE, the aqueous sample is immobilised on an inert support, and the organic phase flows through the support, eliminating problems such as emulsion formation, and low analyte recoveries.
Protein and Phospholipid Free Extracts
Liquid-liquid extraction can give particularly clean extracts of biological fluids, as matrix components such as proteins, phospholipids and salts are not soluble in typical LLE solvents, and are excluded from the final extract.