The protection of lives and property is the main objective of fixed firefighting equipment, based on sound engineering principles test data and field experience, playing a major role in ensuring a supply of sufficient flow and pressure. A long experience in the manufacture of firefighting equipment has allowed its standardization applying international regulations.
NFPA-20 The equipment covered by this standard is manufactured in compliance with the NFPA-20 National Fire Protection Association.
UL Oversight of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. an independent global safety sciences company offering expertise in five key strategic businesses: product safety, environment, life and health, verification services and universities.
FM Factory Mutual Global, the world’s largest commercial property insurance company, certifies product standards by issuing a “FM APPROVED” certificate indicating that the equipment will operate to NFPA-20 and FM specifications.
All these systems require a pressurized water network for their operation. The fire-fighting equipment will maintain the pressurised network, for which they have a small auxiliary pump called a jockey, driven by an electric motor that replaces any possible leaks and drips that may occur in the installation. A small hydropneumatic reservoir helps reduce the number of starts and cushions pressure fluctuations.
The most important features are :
– Joint design of all equipment, ready for automatic fire service
– Modular construction configurable according to the required equipment either single main pump or several main pumps with electric or diesel motor drive