Time is money => especially in online and mail order businesses. Fast and flexible weighing systems are in demand here, which can be easily integrated into a conveyor line. This is precisely where the BOSCHE roller conveyor scales come in. Parcels and packages are weighed as they roll along, and the data is then instantly available for effective and timely processing.
A parcel or a manufactured item in production can be moved easily with the help of conveyor belts, even if it has a slightly greater weight. Simply push it on the scales - weigh - and then push it along to the next section of the conveyor belt.
The weighing tables can be customised to suit the actual requirements with regard to parcel dimensions and integration into conveying system. We can integrate the scales into an existing system or deliver them ready for operation with a roller conveyor installed.
The roller conveyor scales are calibratable and can also be used for movement of goods requiring legal metrology. They can also be equipped with an alibi memory to record times and dates.