Brandywine's OSA-5548C Timing Signal Generator (TSG) is a pioneer in synchronization of SONET/SDH and mobile networks. It is designed to provide telecom operators with reliable synchronization, using the latest in hardware and software and technology. The 5548C system provides a scalable synchronization solution ranging from 20 unprotected up to thousands of 1:1 protected outputs.
The OSA-5548C can be a Stratum 1 redundant source if you decide to include one of two possible GPS cards (this does not change the number of inputs or outputs available). There are 10 main output slots In addition to the DS1 and Composite Clock (CC) output cards, which can be equipped with time distribution modules (NTP or IRIG-B) or with DS1 re-timing cards. With it’s complete and consistent family (6U: 200 outputs, 3U: 60 outputs, expansions, …), the 5548C is the TSG of choice when you need high accuracy with minimal space. Each card is only 4 inches tall, contributing to a higher overall port/volume ratio, and therefore reducing the size of the 5548C 6U shelf design to accommodate overcrowded Telecom Hub Rooms and Switching Center rack spaces.This flexibility makes the 5548C the most versatile TSG in the marketplace.