Brownell manufactures a range of relative humidity indicators which provide a signal of the
relative humidity ranging from 5% to 90% Rh (at 20°C). Relative humidity indicators can be
used in conjunction with desiccators, desiccant bags and moisture adsorbers. Humidity indicators can also be used to monitor the relative humidity inside: cabinets, enclosures, flight cases,
pipelines, packaging barriers and instrument cases. A distinctive colour change of blue to pink
indicates the transition of the relative humidity from dry to wet. Relative humidity indicators are fully reversible when dried with a desiccant or placed in a dry environment.
* Relative humidity ranging from 5%Rh to 90%Rh (at 20°C)
* Distinctive colour change indication
* Reversible and non-reversible option
* Available in plastic or metal housings
* Up to 10 Bar operating pressure
* Thread or flange mounting
* Temperature range from -40°C to +80°C
* Multiple level reading
* Desiccator mounting option
* IP 69 rating (optional)