LPG Vaporizers
We offer a full range of LPG vaporizers.
The vaporizer is a heat exchanger designed to allow
liquefied petroleum gas to enter in a liquid form and
to come out in a gaseous form, ready to be used in
civil, industrial and commercial plant applications,
maximum safety. LPG is pre-heated by a fluid
(water), that comes from an external boiler (hot
water model) or pre-heated by an Ex-proof
electrical resistance (electric model) with two
thermostats, one of regulation and one of safety.
LPG vaporizers are used in cases where the gas
supply required for consumption cannot be
provided without a vaporizer. Such cases are when:
The gas storage area is not large enough to meet
the needs of the consumer under all circumstances.
There are space or regulatory restrictions that
prevent the installation of additional tanks.
There is a loss of pressure during the cold months
(when the tank does not work properly as a natural
gas blender due to low temperatures)