A range of digitally controlled, switch-mode amplifiers used to drive electrodynamic shakers with force ratings of at least 89 kN (20,000 lbf) for vibration testing and other applications. Available with outputs from 70 to 280 kV
Specifically designed to supply LDS® V900 high-force shakers with the signal they require to perform at optimal levels, these amplifiers combine strength, efficiency and adaptability. Featuring a Class-D rating, they deliver maximum power with minimal energy waste and lower running costs. Compatible with third-party vibration systems and suitable for multi-shaker applications, LDS® DPA-K amplifiers are modular and scalable, allowing you to easily and economically increase their power capacity to meet future needs without having to replace the entire unit.
Driving LDS® high-force shakers V964, V984 and V994
Driving third-party shakers with ratings of at least 89 kN (20,000 lbf)
Power output range from 70 to 280 kVA
Can be uprated in increments of 8 kVA by adding extra power modules
Over 90% energy-efficient
Full-power frequency range
Low distortion, wide bandwidth (20Hz to 3kHz @ -3dB), and signal-to-noise ratio better than -68dB
Peak-current rating of 3-sigma to ISO standards
Optional remote control panel with reach of up to 200 metres (656 feet)
Configurable interlocks for comprehensive system-monitoring and safe shutdown