It is perfectly suited for a great variety of samples and applications ranging from cell culture to whole embryos (e.g. Drosophila and Zebrafish). For additional customization options, see the InVi SPIM Lattice Pro.
The InVi SPIM can achieve a resolution down to 255 nm in xy, enabling subcellular resolution in living samples free of phototoxic effects.
A Nikon CFI Plan Fluor 10x W 0.3 NA water immersion objective lens projects the light-sheet on the sample. Detection includes a high numerical aperture Nikon CFI Apo 25x W 1.1 NA water immersion objective lens. An additional magnification changer results in 31.3x and 62.5x total magnification for field view and sampling adjustment according to your experimental needs.
Lux DATA - A Comprehensive Data Processing and Storage Solution
Cutting-edge biological imaging like light-sheet microscopy, but also super-resolution or two-photon imaging, generates a vast amount of data required to provide researchers with all the relevant information about their samples. However, storage, transfer, and processing of the data remain a challenge.
Live Sample Applications
Browse a selection of applications data from our customers below. Researchers are using InVi SPIM in a variety of ways including studies in embryogenesis and developmental biology, organoids, cell cultures, neurobiology and neurodevelopment, plants, and more.