Arxspan Assay is a cloud-based software tool set that can define, collect, manage, and store assay endpoint data – ideal for assay development functions as well as LTS and HTS screening.
Biological Data Management
Recording and Analysis of Assay Endpoint Data
Centrally managed
biological data
provide study coordinators with an integrated view of study activity and assay data
between remote teams
empower individual researchers to collaborate between research team(s) located in multiple research facilities
100% web-based
(COTS) applications
manage all aspects of laboratory process and workflow in a single system without the need for any custom code
Centrally house your biological assay data
Designed for use in studies which are centrally managed and where biological data are obtained at multiple research facilities. Employ Arxspan Assay to provide study coordinators with an integrated view of study activity and assay data as reported by research team(s), and empower individual researchers to collaborate.
Arxspan’s products are 100% web-based commercial off the shelf (COTS) applications used as enterprise-wide data management and collaboration solutions. The platform provides the opportunity to manage all aspects of laboratory process and workflow in a single system without the need for any custom code.
Secure endpoint data repository and search platform
Intuitive user-defined assay definitions, plate formats, and data upload templates
Compatible with user-preferred data analysis tools such as XLfit® or GraphPad Prism
Ability to generate plate readouts for raw and calculated values
Automated calculation of raw data values\