The Sure-Saf® System has been developed to provide optimal safety using rupture disk (bursting disc) pressure relief technology. The CSI™ rupture disk (bursting disc) combined with the CSR-7RS™ safety head provides accuracy and reliability. This unique partnership ensures the CSI™ disk bursts at or below its certified burst pressure in the event that the disk is installed in the wrong direction or becomes damaged.
The CSI™ rupture disk (bursting disc) uses SafT technology (structural apex forming), the central feature on the disk dome, which enhances accuracy of burst pressure. At its burst pressure, the CSI™ rupture disk (bursting disc) dome reverses and opens by shearing around a circular score line located at the perimeter of the dome. The CSR-7RS™ safety head outlet contains an energy-absorbing hinge that aligns with an unscored portion of the CSI™ disk perimeter that retains the CSI™ disk upon opening, avoiding fragmentation.
CSI™ Disk Features
Reverse Buckling Disk in Sizes 1" / 25mm ~ 8" / 200mm
Non-Fragmentation Design
Designed for Gas, Liquid, or 2-phase Flow Conditions
Fail Safe: Reversal Safety Ratio <1
Fail Safe: Damage Safety Ratio <1
High Operating Ratio: 90% of Marked Burst Pressure
High Operating Ratio: 95% of Minimum Burst Pressure (ISO & European Codes)
SafT Technology
Vacuum Resistant
Resists Product Accumulation
Static or Cyclic Operating Conditions
Standard 0% Manufacturing Design Range
Optional -5% & -10% Manufacturing Design Range