Building fence castors for uncomplicated demarcation on building sites
Our construction fence castors are used to create variable construction fence elements or panels. By retrofitting them, they transform these static elements into building gates or entrances for building sites. This way, you decide according to your requirements whether a construction site is to be open and accessible or whether access is to be restricted. The advantage of the castors for the construction fence: They make the time-consuming lifting or moving of fence feet made of plastic or even heavy concrete superfluous and ensure in an uncomplicated way that the construction site can be walked or driven on. Every site fence can be retrofitted with the plastic castors without any problems. The installation is carried out either with the help of a stable foot or with a pipe clip. Discover our selection of site fence castors!
175 - 175 kg
Wheel body
Roller bearing
Metal base for construction fences with castor L420.B10.125
Installation with 4 screws M8x65 and 4 nuts M8
Suitable for all common construction fences