Bunting offers a wide variety of magnetic sheet fanners to help you handle messy, difficult sheet fanning applications with ease. Our sheet fanners provide a faster, safer way for you to quickly pry apart oily, sticky, polished, or pre-finished ferrous sheets. Additionally, Bunting can manufacture custom magnetic sheet fanners that we engineer specifically to suit your production facility.
Magnetic sheet fanners work by inducing a powerful magnetic field that is then transferred a stack of ferrous steel sheets. This magnetic polarity creates a repelling action that pushes the top sheet away from the sheet beneath it. Sticky or oily sheets are no match for the powerful magnetic force generated by magnetic sheet fanners.
Using magnetic sheet fanners is beneficial for several reasons. Manually prying apart individual steel sheets is a time consuming process that can result in damaging the sheet or injuring the operator handling them. Magnetic sheet fanners allow you to protect your employees from potential injury and allow them to direct their time towards higher-value tasks.
When magnetic sheet fanners are handling your steel sheets, you benefit from a time-saving automated process that protects the integrity of your product and shields it from damage that is more likely to occur in non-automated processes. When you use Bunting’s sheet fanners, you will see an immediate increase to the efficiency, productivity, and safety in your facility. Our sheet fanners allow you to overcome the problems that steel sheets typically present, such as marring of polished sheets, cumbersome efforts to pry sheets apart, and double-blanking of sheets.