The Comtex for shipping and fully automatic packaging of products arriving chaotically in alternation in coloured film
The Compacta packaging machines are designed for fully automatic packaging. Working in line, this light-barrier controlled machine can process products within their format range, arriving chaotically in alternation. This means that product length, width and height can vary. The products do not have to be pre-sorted.
The machine is set to the highest possible format size. Depending on the width of the product, a film excess can occur which is then sealed off in a downstream sealing station. Due to the scanning of the product’s length during the packaging process and the close sealing of the film overlap, a very narrow film bag is produced around the product.
An item ready for dispatch, wrapped in opaque film and with shipping label, is returned to the processing lines. This concept originally came from the packaging of textile returns in mail-order companies and was extended from the use of coloured film to the use of shipping packaging. The processing of other products such as books of various sizes (on demand) and magazines with supplements (gimmicks) is also possible.
Both machine models 3 G and 4 G can be used for inbound and outbound processing.
The 4 G (welding width 750 mm, belt width 600 mm) processes a wider and higher range of products compared to the 3 G, which is usually required for the outbound. The G 3 (welding width 600 mm, belt width 500 mm) covers the demands of storing individual articles as returns.