Low pressure-spray for thinness oils and liquids with effectievely targeted range, in many manufacturing processed is the spraying of oils as a lubricating and cooling medium necessary. With Noga-minicool is the acoidance of handling errors by automation and a economic operation of the lubricant warranted.
Easy pratices
The liquid tube will put in to a depressurized container or connected already from 2 bar excess pressure response the Noga-spray. Via a throttle valve (show picture) the air-/liquid volume can be fine dosed.
Full flexibility
Less complexity - High performance
The atomised spray is finer all more the pressure. The Noga Mini Cool works with a operating pressure over 2 - 6 bar. By pending compressed air it will be directly atomized. The spray works permanent - but always with well dosed portions. In Center of the Air jet the liquid will be lead economic and clean.