The connection panels of the E-Box series are designed and
constructed according to the Photovoltaic Guide CEI 82-25.
This is a real solution for the various needs of this sector,
which takes into due consideration the need for customised
products. The Cabur line in fact includes String Boxes, fuses
and fuse holders, surge protection devices, control units and
sleeves suitable for use outside, all specially designed for this
type of application.
The E-Box panels are available in the 4, 8 and 16 string
versions and include all the components necessary to connect
strings in parallel, to protect the system, to disconnect and
transmit the characteristic data of the panel, such as voltage
and current of each string.
The Cabur E-Box line parallel panel therefore uses its own
inner instruments capable of measuring the currents flowing
in the photovoltaic strings, the string parallel voltage and at the
same time detect the operating status of input signals relative
to the status of the protection and alarm devices installed in
the panels. The measurements of the string current are done
with modules using amperometric Hall effect sensors which
guarantee a high degree of insulation with the control and
measurement unit.