FR-N1X1G1 rigid 1000V cables are provided for power supply to high-power industrial and service sector electrical equipment. These halogen-free cables, CPR level Cca s1 d1 a1, and certified C1 flame and fire retardant in accordance with NF C32-070, are suitable for installations in high-rises and infrastructure (tunnels, airports, nuclear sites).
Product range - Axindus
Type of assembly - Multi conductors
Shielding Y/N - No
CPR class - Cca s1, d1, a1
Component Standard - NF C32-323/A1
International Fire Standard - IEC 60332-1
OBSO_Static radius of curvature - 15 x Ø
Temperature Fixed Use ( -x°C / +x°C) - -25°C / +60°C
Temperature mobile use ( -x°C / +x°C) - 0°C / +60°C
Independent laboratory certification - No