Analog microphone arrays are common used for applications which need very high samplerates e.g. wind power plants and ultrasonic measurements. If the hardware or sensors are already at hand the acoustic camera can be cost effectively built by buying only the software and an array.
There are a lot of applications e.g. wind tunnel, leakage detection and squeak, buzz and rattle localization
Größe der akustischen Kamera according your needs
Spezifikationen der akustischen Kamera according your needs
Anzahl der Mikrofone der akustischen Kamera according your needs
empfohlener Frequenzbereich für die akustische Kamera according your needs
Fertigungsmaterial der akustischen Kamera according your needs
Gewicht der akustischen Kamera according your needs
The Noise Inspector software is the standard solution for visualizing sound sources. The application-oriented software guides you from data acquistion to analysis to saving and reporting of acoustic data.
•Online- and offline analysis
•Acoustic-photo und acoustic-video
•A lot of HD algorithms: Beamforming, EVOB, CLEAN SC, MUSIC, Capon, DAMAS, Real 3D Beamforming,...
•Frequency analysis and time-frequency analysis (sonogram)
•Acoustic weighting (A, B, C) or linear presentation
•Open interface to Matlab for own algorithms
•Easy export of terce/octave, measurement, acoustic-photo and acoustic-video
•Playback of local sound